Sunday, December 9, 2012

Atala Riffo y Niñas vs. Chile

Writer: Sofia Guerrero.

This is the case of Atala Riffo and Niñas vs. Chile, which was taken up to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on September 17th 2010. This is the reality of a denunciation and accusation against Chile for its interference and discriminated attitude towards Karen Atala and the custody of her daughters. The Chilean responsibility of this discriminated violence was because the State didn’t respect the sexual tendency and orientation of Atala. This lead to a result that made Atala quit and give up the care and custody of her children. The trial and investigation was set since there was the presumption that Chile didn’t respect some of the universal principles such as equal treatment, judicial protection and no discrimination (Article 1 and 24 of the American Convention).

Under this case, it’s important to understand that Atala is known and considered as the first and only lesbian judge in Chile. Her personal and sexual status has taken her to be part of a complex and difficult situation. Throughout the last months, Atala has fought for the respect and acceptance of her sexual status and for the custody of her daughters. Furthermore, the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) has shown its support toward Atala. Also the IACHR has forwarded the case to the Court, who emitted the judgment and sentence considering that the Chilean State is responsible for the violation of several rights against Atala.

From one point of view, it’s important that the IACHR and the Inter-American Court considered some violations like discrimination, interference in privacy, equality, liberty to be heard (Articles 1, 19, 11, 17, 24 of the American Convention) that were not enforced in this case. Atala is a free woman, and her decisions should be respected. She shouldn’t be judged and isolated just because of her sexual tendency and lesbianism. She should have access to exercise any rights just as any other human being. On the other side, it is true that the State has taken the wrong actions in order to handle this case and the interference in the personal life of Atala. However, this case also implies and involves her daughters and the influence that Atala and her lesbianism can have in them.

This takes us to analyze the case from a different perspective. The fact that Atala is a lesbian mother can have an impact and effect on her daughters. This means that the IACHR should also consider that her daughters might have to face some violations and actions that can affect their personal life and future as they grow up. All of these shows how there are violations that implicate the importance of this case that has taken years to be approved and investigated. On the other side, this case has led to a controversy and conflict between the local courts rulings against International standards, due to the fact that both of them defend and assist the case differently.

Atala has the right to defend her rights as any other woman. She might be a lesbian but she still knows what it is to be a mother and to have her daughters taken apart from her. Her sexual orientation does have an impact and will influence the life of her daughters, but is should take more than just the State to decide the custody of them. The IACHR and the Court have done the right thing by protecting Karen Atala and by attending her case, but her case goes deeper in. This means that it doesn’t only embraces Atala and violations against her rights, but her daughters also become a big part of this situation. Their role is fundamental into deciding whether Atala should have the custody and care over her daughters or not.

"Caso Atala Riffo E Hijas Vs. Chile." Video blog post. On Vimeo. Vimeo, 2011. Web. 110 Nov. 2012. <>.
"Atala Riffo vs. Chile: La Homosexualidad Entra a Escena En El Sistema Interamericano." Web log post. El Juego De La Suprema Corte. Blog De La Revista Nexos, 10 Apr. 2012. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <>.

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