Sunday, December 9, 2012

Benefits and weaknesses of the procedure of the Inter American Commission of Human Rights

Writer: Paola Carrera H.

"Inter-American system has worked against States during periods of dictatorship, and often in spite of States during periods of democratic transition." Ariel Dulitzky

Within the framework of the Organization of American States (OAS) there have been several efforts to protect democracy and safeguard human rights in the continent. Thus, in article two of its Charter provides that: "the Effective exercise of representative democracy is the basis for the rule of law and of the constitutional Regimes of the member states of the Organization of American States. Representative Democracy is strengthened and deepened by permanent, ethical, and responsible participation of the citizenry within a legal framework conforming to the respective constitutional order", but it does not include the defense or promotion of human rights as part of the Organization's purposes and central goals. Many experts argue that these efforts have not been sufficient and everything that occurs in the organization responds to the interest of the United States rather than all Member States. But we need to consider that the main goal for the OAS is "Democracy for peace, security, and development" and Human Rights protection is linked directly to democracy.

Currently the human rights system is experiencing a crisis. It has been strongly criticized by countries with leftist ideology which holds that urgent reforms are needed, especially regarding to the jurisdiction of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Court. However, the system has benefits and strengths that have helped the development and promotion of human rights. The IACHR is able to receive individual petitions and resolve them through friendly settlements and other mechanisms, the on-site visits help to observe human rights in an specific country or investigate particular issues, and the thematic or country reports which is an important tool to monitor and analyze the situation of human rights in State Members. As we can noticed, the IACHR counts on many tools that have been successful, including the individual complaints mechanism that allows citizens from State Members; the preparation and publication of reports is a way to be aware of counties situation; adopting precautionary measures help to save guard individuals whose rights are threatened; friendly solutions and jurisdiction on reparation are important tools to resolve future cases.

Unfortunately there are many aspects that are an obstacle for the efficiency of the Inter American Human Rights System and the Commission's and Court's work. There are three main instruments to protect human rights: OAS Charter, Declaration of Rights and Duties of the Man (it is just a declaration), and the American Convention of Human Rights, among other conventions for the protection of specific rights. The system is inequitable because several countries depend on the legally binding provisions of the Conventions, while others just depend on the Declaration. The system financing is another negative aspect, less than 10% of the total budget of the OAS is allocated for the Commission. Therefore, they have been forced to look for external support and voluntary contributions. In addition, the system is very slow, the process to determine the admissibility of a complaint, adopt a decision, and reach a friendly settlement, can take years. Furthermore, once a decision has been taken, countries do not fulfilled in most of the cases. The situation with friendly agreements is very similar, they are partially or never complied. The Court situation is not far from this reality.

In order to have a more efficient system in the continent is very important to link democracy and human rights protection, contemplated in the OAS Charter. There is an interesting article written by Ariel Dulitzky in which he suggests that the Commission should only act as an organ of admissibility and facilitator of friendly solutions, and on political and promotional activities regarding human rights, and the Court as a tribunal that carries out findings of fact and makes legal determinations. He propose a way to strengthen the system to be more efficient.

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